SUNPAN Trading & Importing Inc. (“SUNPAN”) warrants its products to be reasonably free from defects in materials and workmanship. All finishes, parts, and components of new furniture and merchandise (“Products”) are warranted by SUNPAN solely to approved trade customers for ONE YEAR starting from the date the transaction was completed, at the point of purchase unless otherwise stated. Select Products are part of an Extended Warranty Program that covers any defects in materials and workmanship for up to TWO YEARS from the completion of the transaction. The item(s) in question must be free from defective material and manufacturing defects (“Defects”) only through normal use as set out herein, and subject to the provisions, limitations, and exclusions contained in this Warranty (the “Warranty”).  

As a to-the-trade wholesaler, SUNPAN does not process any claims directly from end-consumers. Claims for Products purchased by end-consumers at a retail store, third-party e-commerce website, or through an interior designer must be done at the respective point of purchase and must come with a valid proof of purchase. SUNPAN is not responsible for warranties and return policies of third-party sellers.   

Under this Warranty, SUNPAN’s liability is limited to the replacement of defective parts or components. In the case of a warranty being activated, SUNPAN will first provide replacement parts or components to remedy the Defect, and if this is not possible, the Product may be replaced at SUNPAN's discretion. If a minor repair can remedy the Defect, SUNPAN may approve reasonable and customary labour rates before repairs are initiated. In such cases, SUNPAN will reimburse the cost of the repair upon receipt of the repair invoice paid by the customer. SUNPAN will not take responsibility for the transportation costs of the defective Products. 

This Warranty provides coverage to the original purchaser only and is not transferrable under any circumstances. This Warranty covers defects when used for residential use only and is valid for contract-viable products in a residential or commercial setting. Warranty is void if a non-contract viable product is placed in a commercial setting. Warranty is void if any modifications, including re-upholstering, have been made by any dealer, trade customer, or person.  

This Warranty does not apply to any condition or damage which is not a Defect, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any condition or damage resulting from neglect, misuse or abuse, accident, unreasonable or unintended strain or use, or any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance, cleaning or care, or any damage to or failure of the finish resulting from alcohol, water, fabric dye transfer, or cleaning substance or liquid damage, exposure to sunlight, household humidity, or incorrect application of chemical treatment or any protective coating applied by any dealer, trade customer, or end-consumer. Markings on the underside or rear of a product are not considered Defects. Any credit notes applied to an account because of returns or damages must be used towards future orders within one year from issue. Any unused credits will expire after this allotted time. 

Freight damage and manufacturing defects are an unfortunate part of the furniture industry. Should a shipment arrive damaged, please contact claims@sunpan.com immediately to report a Damage Claim. In the event of damage, please be advised that SUNPAN does not cover any charges related to the receiving or inspection of products, including disposal fees, nor any associated end-consumer delivery charges or storage fees from a receiving company.  

This limited Warranty is exclusive and contains all express and implied warranty rights of the purchaser. SUNPAN makes no other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. Any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose that exceed the obligations or time limits stated in this Warranty are hereby disclaimed by SUNPAN and excluded from this Warranty. The purchaser and SUNPAN expressly agree that the sole remedy of the replacement or repair of the defective product or component thereof is the sole remedy of the purchaser. SUNPAN makes no other representation or warranty of any kind. In no event shall SUNPAN be liable for any incidental or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss related to property other than the products, personal injury, loss of use, loss of time, inconvenience, or other economic loss.